I apologize in advance.
- Chasing an escaped, half-skinned tawny cat. Unbearable cries. Please euthanize it. W: 3r, the most depraved will catch it and finish skinning it with bare hands, then leave it there alive.
- Who-Is-More-Hardcore-Competition. Chopping bits off themselves w/rusty cleavers. W: 1t, both are winners/losers. Spectators fall to cannibalizing the competitors.
- Blissed out. High as kites on azure cave-drippings. Follow them to the source-stalactite.
- Rageheads. Wired like a crackhead drinking a redbull. Aggressive like distillation of depraved testosterone. W: 9r, one bumps into another, and they choke on each other's intestines while the others laugh. Follow to source of mood-altering bloodred crystalline substance.
- Art. Tremendous cackling. They are destroying beautiful frescoe, will fall asleep in its rubble.
- Science. Area contains huge precision titrimetry system. They are playing dodgebeaker with the stuff. 1/6 items thrown are caustic/flammable.
- Humanities. Goblins excreting. Ripping pages from ancient tomes for waste paper. d6 (50g) tomes left unless W.
- Friendship. Arms lashed together, butting heads repeatedly, bleeding, screaming. Others chanting, jumping. W: 3r, both pass out, not dead. General celebration: these shall be friends for life.
- Profanity. [censored] activities with religious statue. If P slaughters goblins, statue will animate, grant boon, promise blessing if goblin-genocide complete and statue washed in the blood of them all. Will deliver too.
- Oral history. The rest @ attention as wizened goblin narrates highlight reel of tribe. Accompanied by goblins performing obscene puppetry reenactments with skeletons of victims affixed to poles.
- Drink after work. Chugging fermented rat-milk from skull-mugs as they drag back their rotted kills to the larder.
- Non-Aggression Principle. A goblin has somehow come to the conclusion that they should live at peace with other intelligent beings. He is preaching, toga-clad. W: 6r, they eat him alive out of boredom.
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